There’s a bonus to making the commitment to healthily losing and managing your weight. Many of the steps you take to eat a better diet can also help you avoid the doctor’s office and live an overall healthier lifestyle.
By taking a few extra steps in addition to your weight management program, you can enjoy some bonus health benefits.
Get Enough Sleep
Do you check your smartphone or tablet computer just before going to bed? You’re not alone. More and more of us are foregoing traditional book and magazine reading to relax before sleep opting instead to browse our electronic devices. But the effect of reading from a screen isn’t the same as reading from a book. Most electronic screens emit “blue” light that has been shown to reduce the body’s production of melatonin, which helps us fall asleep.
Lack of sleep is linked to heart problems, high blood pressure, higher risk of stroke and diabetes.
Eat Healthier Food
Yes, you already do this. But remember what it was like when you started your weight loss program? The thought of giving up sugar and salt made you cringe, but now that you’ve made the change, it’s not so bad. When you take it a step further, you will likely see other benefits, including fewer colds, aches and pains as your body and immune system has more of the nutrition it needs to fight them off. And it’ll be even easier to keep you weight in check.
Visit the Doctor
If you’re not doing so already, make sure to visit your doctor and dentist regularly. Keeping up your immunizations helps you avoid the serious illnesses that could have long-term effects on your health. There is an increasing amount of evidence that connects oral health and overall health. Gum disease is linked to increased heart disease, problems during pregnancy, osteoporosis and diabetes.
Simply staying in touch with your doctor and dentist gives you the chance to get the answers you need, helps you practice preventative medicine and keeps your focus on better health.
Get Physical
You don’t need to get into a drastic workout routine that few people could follow for any length of time. Just look for opportunities each day to get more physical activity. Stand while you’re chatting on the phone. Have “walk and talk” meetings at work. Park further away from the mall and take the stairs instead of the escalator. Every little bit helps.
Regardless of how many items on the checklist you do or are willing to try, there’ll be ups and downs on the road to your healthier lifestyle. The important thing is to not let the “downs” defeat you. And be sure to celebrate the “ups”, no matter how small.
Having a support system greatly improves your chance of success. The nutritional consultants at your local Herbal One Centre know what it takes to healthily lose weight and keep it off, and they are ready to help you do it.