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The Benefits of Walking 5,000 Steps A Day

You may have heard that we all should walk 10,000 steps a day for better health. But, unless you’re a particularly active person, or walking is part of your job, that target can be difficult to achieve. And that’s just one day. Maintaining the 10,000-step-a-day pace is virtually impossible for many people.

The problem then becomes, if you can’t walk 10,000 steps a day, you might avoid walking altogether. But here’s the good news. The ‘10,000-steps-a-day’ benchmark has its origins in a marketing campaign for a pedometer. Called the ‘Manpo-kei’, which translates to ‘10,000 steps meter’, its Japanese manufacturers wanted to highlight the durability of their product. In other words, the 10,000-step threshold was not based on research when it was first introduced – it was a marketing tool.

Even more, while research since then has supported the benefits, the most recent research says you can see significant improvements in health with much fewer steps. As reported in JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association), research from Harvard Medical School shows that walking just 5,000 steps a day can significantly reduce the risk of death in women. And, as the benefits increased according to how many steps were taken, they tended to level off after 7,500 steps per day.

7 Benefits of Walking 5,000 Steps a Day

Of course, even walking 5,000 steps a day can be challenging. But, anyone who can walk already does some walking every day. The Harvard research was based on the health of sedentary women or those who took 2,700 steps per day, on average. So that means many women may enjoy all the benefits, including a 41% reduction in the risk of death, of walking 5,000 steps per day, by walking only an extra 2,000 or so steps per day.

1. Reduces the Damage to Your Health of a Sedentary Lifestyle

One of the biggest reasons that almost any activity is good for you is how bad inactivity is for you. Sitting for extended periods is not good for your health. Research shows that people who sit for 8 hours or more per day have an almost 60% higher risk of death than those who sit less than 4 hours a day.  So, any amount of extra walking, or any other activity that gets you off the couch, carries a double benefit. It increases your movement, makes you healthier and decreases the inactivity that damages your health.

2. Increases Cardiovascular Health

Oxygen is critical for our health. Your cardiovascular system includes your lungs, which take in oxygen and helps transfer it to your blood; your heart, which pumps the blood; and your arteries and veins through which the blood flows to and from your organs, muscles and tissue.  Regular walking helps strengthen your heart; lower blood pressure, and improve blood circulation throughout the body. Better blood flow improves the oxygen supply to your organs, muscles and tissue. In turn, that lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, and risk of death.

3. Improves Weight Loss & Weight Management

Walking can be an effective tool for weight management. By burning calories, walking adds to a calorie deficit, which helps your weight loss. Walking  5,000 steps a day can help boost metabolism and build lean muscle, for even more weight management benefits. In addition, if you walk after a meal, you can get the added benefit of better digestion, and more stable blood sugar levels, which helps those with diabetes.

4. Enhances Mental and Emotional Health

In addition to its physical benefits, walking can improve your mental health too. Regular walking can reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Walking releases endorphins in your body to help improve your mood, reduce tension, and increase overall mental clarity. Walking also is a great time to be more mindful as you connect with nature, practice gratitude, and relieve mental fatigue.

5. Strengthen Bone & Joints

Walking increases the movement in most of our joints. That movement can reduce stiffness and joint pain. As a weight-bearing exercise, walking also helps to increase bone density, which can lower your risk of osteoporosis.

6. Helps You Sleep Better

It’s simple: the more energy you use every day, the more your body needs to rest, so you sleep better. But a good night’s sleep is just the first benefit.  Deeper and more restful sleep helps to regulate your sleep-wake cycle. In turn, that can reduce stress and anxiety, make you more alert and improve your weight management.

7. Increases Energy Levels

This may sound counterintuitive. How can using more energy to walk increase energy levels? Walking increases blood flow, oxygen and nutrient supply to your muscles for a natural energy boost. It also releases endorphins, which improve your mood and increase vitality. Put them all together, and the better outlook combined with extra energy makes the idea of added activity more appealing. Over time, you’ll look forward to your walks and how much better they make you feel.

To learn more about keeping your body healthy, visit your nearest Herbal One Centre and speak to one of our nutrition counsellors.

If you enjoyed this post, check out our recent article Should You Workout In The Morning or Night?


If you have any questions or concerns, stop by, call, or email your Herbal One centre and our qualified counsellors will be happy to give you tips and some great ideas that will help reach your weight loss goals.

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