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Healthy Eating Tips When Working From Home

The main daily physical activity for many working people is whatever they do on their commutes in the morning and evening. So working from home may put a serious dent in their weight loss efforts by reducing the calories they burn each day.

In combination with some sort of regular physical activity, like going for a walk, the following tips for a healthy diet can keep you on track to maintain a healthy weight.

5 Healthy Eating Tips for Working From Home 

The big tip is: eat a balanced diet of healthy foods. But working from home is a major disruption to your routine, including challenges to eating fewer calories because, well, there’s a fully stocked kitchen in your home. 

These tips will help you meet and beat the challenges.

  1. Set-Up a Proper Workspace Away from the Kitchen – Breakfast nooks are tempting places to do your work. They are bright, convenient and have lots of ready-to-go deskspace.

    But they are also within arms reach of all the food in the house. If you want any hope of losing weight while working from home, do not work anywhere near the kitchen. 
  2. Stay Away From Pop, Packaged Fruit Juice & Other Sweetened Drinks – This isn’t exclusive to working from home. It should be a constant pursuit for anyone hoping to eat a healthy diet. We include it here because of how important it is for your overall health. And don’t think you can get away with “diet” pop or juice. Artificial sweeteners are just as bad for you as sugar.  
  3. Prep Your Lunches – When you’re working away, you may not have time to prepare a lunch of healthy foods. But if you set aside time in the morning, or once a week, to prep your lunches beforehand, you can just grab lunch when you’re ready. Remember lots of fresh fruits and vegetables! 
  4. Plan Healthy Snacks – All the meal prepping and healthy eating don’t prevent bad snacking habits from creeping in to ruin all your good work. Make sure you’re well-stocked with yogurt, nuts, seeds, hummus and, yes, more fruits and veggies. 
  5. Drink Water – Another perennial healthy eating tip, this one should be the first inductee into the Weightloss Hall of Fame. Not only does drinking water help reduce your appetite, sugar cravings and keep your digestive system running tickety boo, it helps you do your job better by improving memory and your energy levels.

If you’re looking for healthy eating tips for everyday, the nutrition consultants at your local Herbal One centre are ready to create a custom Herbal One Diet Plan just for you, with foods you will find at regular grocery stores.

To find out more about healthy snacks, check out our article “How to Make Healthy Snacking Part of Your Weight Loss”.


If you have any questions or concerns, stop by, call, or email your Herbal One centre and our qualified counsellors will be happy to give you tips and some great ideas that will help reach your weight loss goals.

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